Unforgettable Fire Muenster


Muenster, Germany



1. 4th Of July (PA)

2. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock

3. I Will Follow

4. Gloria

5. Seconds

6. MLK

7. The Unforgettable Fire

8. Sunday Bloody Sunday

9. The Cry/Electric Co.

10. Bad

11. October

12. New Year's Day

13. Pride

14. 40




A good recording from the festival swing of the Unforgettable Fire tour. Instruments and vocals come through clearly. Audience noise is audible but apart from some clapping or some hollers from guys standing close to the taper it is never intrusive or even annoying. During the last songs the high end is a little bit distorted and doesn't sound as clean as it does during the first songs. Before "Bad" is an edit which kills the first notes of the song.